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eAcademy is one of the best software solution to cater the demanding need of today’s Information Management System. It covers different areas of your Academy. Starts from spirit; Billing, Accounting, Budgeting, Result processing, Inventory Management and additionally Payroll. eAcademy has been developed with latest MS-Windows technology. It also supports Internet technology to share information over the Internet, like Outstanding Reports and Academic Results.
Key Features: Power of Simplicity and Flexibility - Easy to Configure and Run Flexible Setting of Fee Structure and Marks Setting Hostel, Bus and Scholarships Fee Defining System with marks grading, carry over systems Screw-tight Security. MS-SQL ™ database Multiple User Creation and Rights Control Audit Trail Feature to track data modification history Auto / Manual Data Backup Report can be exported to MS-Word, MS-Excel, PDF and direct mailing of reports State-of-the-art document designer available to design every source of Modules and supports every kind of printer Graphics mode Marks sheet designer. User can put their logo, fonts and graphics in Marks sheet Income Statement and Balance Sheet layout designer. Supports multiple layouts